Institute FOR Family Business
National Conference 2021 Destination: Future
Groovy Gecko were approached by the Institute for Family Business to bring their physical conference (postponed in 2020) virtual this year.
This full day conference was packed with multiple live speakers, Q&A’s, Zoom breakout sessions as well as spatial chat group sessions, all incorporated in our EckoEnterprise software.
The IFB National Conference needed to be delivered online for the first time with the full day’s activities made virtual. This included various international speakers and Q&A’s discussing key topics including How to navigate this uncertain world to ensure your business stays strong for generations to come and How your family business can remain agile whilst carrying forward its legacy.
What we did.
Our 5 crew members produced the streams throughout the event using V-mix, ensuring the visual and audio feeds from the various remote speakers came in clearly on the virtual platform.
the results.
The private interactive conference produced fantastic results, with over 170 people tuning in live and over half of the attendees submitting questions. The average viewer duration was over 6 hours and our client, IFB, were extremely pleased with the results.
unique viewers
questions submitted
6 hr 19 m
average viewer duration