tesco all colleague event
When faced with the challenge of engaging over 13,000 staff members across various locations for Tesco’s annual all hands meeting, we delivered a robust, secure, and scalable live streaming solution through our EckoEnterprise platform.
Tesco, a long-standing partner, relies on our expertise for diverse projects ranging from internal communications to social media activations such as the Tesco #CrackingEaster Egg Hunt. They approached us with the complex task of ensuring seamless live streaming for a massive internal audience on a shared network.
What we did.
Reaching over 13,000 employees in disparate locations was no simple task. The platform had to be scalable and resilient, with the ability to adapt to various viewing profiles. Moreover, it was essential to foster interactivity, transforming a vast digital event into an engaging, personal experience.
Utilising our custom EckoEnterprise platform, we showcased how large seat internal audiences on a shared network could be catered to. We crafted streaming profiles tailored to where employees were watching, ensuring network resilience. To promote active engagement, we integrated live viewer questions and polls using our live streaming engagement tools.
the results.
The event was a landmark in live streaming. Our EckoEnterprise platform demonstrated its prowess in scalability, serving over 13,000 internal viewers across the same network without a hitch. The tangible benefits of a robust platform were evident in the smooth streaming experience, while the live engagement tools facilitated lively interaction, bringing the essence of the red carpet excitement to every viewer.
The Tesco All Colleague Event epitomised our understanding of the challenges corporate companies face when delivering to large internal audiences. This project solidifies our reputation as a reliable live streaming company, capable of large-scale live stream production. Whether it’s social activations like the #CrackingEaster Egg Hunt or essential internal communication events, we at Groovy Gecko are here to deliver
Ready to transform your internal or social events? Contact us at Groovy Gecko and discover the innovative live streaming solutions we have to offer. Your audience awaits!